David Treuer Discusses What it Means to be Native American at the 2014 National Book Festival

What impact do reservations have on Native American life? Who qualifies as a Native American and what is their legacy? Is Native American life inherently tragic? In a candid interview with BookTV recorded at last week’s 2014 National Book Festival, author David Treuer wrestles with these questions and much more:

David Treuer on BookTV

Raised on the Leech Lake Reservation in Minnesota, author and University of Southern California professor David Treuer is the author of three novels: Little, The Hiawatha, and The Translations of Dr. Apelle. His nonfiction book Rez Life examines the complexities, implications of, and myths surrounding Native American reservations. He is a regular speaker at literary events around the country. For more information about David’s schedule or to request an appearance, contact Books in Common.

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