Laura McBride’s debut novel We Are Called to Rise has been selected for Western New York’s 2015 A Tale for Three Counties community readings program. This book reading project has brought talented emerging authors to NY’s Genesee, Orleans, and Wyoming counties for the past eleven years to present their books to the community.
Laura will visit Western NY from March 26-28 next year, and will lead discussions in each of the three counties. In a recent interview she explained why she believes her book will make a strong community reads program pick: “I think that ‘We Are Called To Rise’ will allow readers to talk about a lot of different sorts of contemporary issues, but beyond that, the notion of community itself is at the heart of the novel… How do we form communities? What do they mean to us?”
Indeed, We Are Called to Rise weaves together four diverse character’s stories. The book’s themes include immigration and integration, the U.S. foster care system, war, divorce, infidelity, and post traumatic stress disorder.
Just as her book makes a fantastic community reads pick, Laura herself makes a dynamic community reads speaker. A community college professor, she is devoted to exchanging ideas and engaging her audience in enriching dialogue. To invite her to speak at your venue, contact Books in Common.