Tag Archives: Christie Hinrichs

Champagne Taste on a Beer Budget: Finding the Ideal Author Without Breaking the Bank

The most common limitation for colleges, libraries and other literary event planners is the same: dollars and cents. Concurrently, the most common goal is also shared: bring in speakers who will attract the largest crowd, energize the audience, and create quality programming that people will talk about long after the stage lights have dimmed. So, how do event planners reconcile the two?

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We’ve Got Something in Common – Greetings From Christie Hinrichs

Before joining Books in Common as an Account Manager a few months ago, I had spent almost ten years as an event planner for a University Lecture series, a visiting writer’s program, and an annual writing conference that drew dozens of world class authors every year. I know what you’re going through!!

Posted in Issue #3 | Also tagged | Comments closed
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