Christina Baker Kline at a library in New Jersey
“I am still running into people who were at the event that are singing her praises. She both entertained and educated the audience.”
~ Barbara, co-chair library event
Dylan Tomine at a library in Washington
“Dylan is fantastic. He is one of us. We felt at home with him everywhere, and shared experiences around our region.” ~ Tim, library coordinator
Guadalupe Garcia McCall at a high school in Texas
“The event went very well. The teachers and staff were very supportive and enthusiastic. The students were attentive and respectful and they seemed genuinely moved by the presentation.” ~ Guadalupe Garcia McCall
Marja Mills at a library in Mississippi
There was a “lively question and answer period, good vibe.”
~ Marja Mills
Regina Calcaterra at a fundraiser in Florida
“Although there were many interesting speakers at this conference there was constant reference to Regina’s presentation, which was woven into other speakers’ presentations about children in foster care and a reference to Regina’s term of ‘good touches’ being so important to such children.” ~ Jeanne, event organizer