Author Laura McBride is in high demand as a speaker! Earlier this month, her novel “We Are Called To Rise” was the featured text in Western New York State’s “A Tale For Three Counties” community reading program. Now that she has wrapping up her well-received presentations in New York, McBride will head to Texas to discuss her novel and what inspired her to write it.
“We Are Called to Rise” is a story about what defines community in modern-day America. It features four superficially diverse get fundamentally human and similar protagonists as well as interwoven plot-lines full of teachable moments. Of her creative process in writing this book, McBride said: “I started with the idea that I wanted to write a novel that would appeal to someone like me… My favorite novels are the ones where I fall into the story and I think about the characters. And I slow down at the end because I don’t wanna let go of them and I don’t want to let go of their lives.”
Contact Books In Common to invite McBride speak about her novel at your next literary event.