Author Profile

Arlie Russell Hochschild

Arlie Russell Hochschild

Arlie R. Hochschild is a professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley and the author of nine books, all of which focus on the human emotions which underlie moral beliefs, practices, and social life generally. She is the author of, most recently, the New York Times bestseller Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right, which was a finalist for the National Book Award and the J. Anthony Lukas Prize, and was named one of the “Six Books to Understand Donald Trump” by The New York Times on the morning after the 2016 presidential election. The New York Times also included it on their one hundred best books of the year for 2016 and the book appeared on dozens of 2016 “Best Books of the Year” lists, including the Financial TimesThe Washington Post, and the San Francisco Chronicle. Working in the tradition of C. Wright Mills, Hochschild continually tries to draw links between private troubles and social issues.


"Arlie Hochschild is extraordinary and she has so defined our current dilemma. Democrats have to address these issues or we will not succeed. Audiences are enthralled hearing her talking about both future challenges and about future opportunities."
-- Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, Connecticut

For more about Arlie and her works, go to

Reviews of Strangers in Their Own Land

Satisfying...[Hochschild's] analysis is overdue at a time when questions of policy and legislation and even fact have all but vanished from the public discourse.
-- Nathaniel Rich, New York Review Of Books

Strangers in Their Own Land is extraordinary for its consistent empathy and the attention it pays to the emotional terrain of politics. It is billed as a book for this moment, but it will endure.
-- Gabriel Thompson, Newsday

[Hochschild's] connection and kindness to the people she meets is what makes this book so powerful.
-- Marion Winik, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Arlie Hochschild journeys into a far different world than her liberal academic enclave of Berkeley, into the heartland of the nation's political right, in order to understand how the conservative white working class sees America. With compassion and empathy, she discovers the narrative that gives meaning and expression to their lives–and which explains their political convictions, along with much else. Anyone who wants to understand modern America should read this captivating book.
-- Robert B. Reich, University of California, Berkeley

Videos featuring Arlie Russell Hochschild

PBS News Hour Interview with Jeffrey Brown

National Book Award Finalists Reading

Harvard Institute for Politics