Nnedi Okorafor |
Michael Farris Smith |
Nalo Hopkinson |
Ramona Emerson |
Likewise, a great book doesn’t necessarily make a good selection for every audience, school, or community. We’ll take your list of book selection criteria--or help you define it--and develop a list of titles that are customized to fit your needs.
The writers featured on this page are just a sample of the authors we recommend. If there are authors you’re particularly interested in, just let us know who they are and we’ll be happy to get you their fee and schedule information, at no cost to you. We’ll share feedback from others who have hosted authors you might be interested in, so you’ll know how they might work for your program. And please, share with us the books you think make good options for Community Reads programs, and give us your feedback on authors you’ve hosted in the past so we can all learn from this cumulative knowledge. Check out the FORUM (coming soon), or just shoot us an email.