Tag Archives: author speaker

John Lewis’ March: Book Three, Hit Shelves Last Week

March: Book Three by Rep. John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and artist Nate Powell released March 9, 2016

March: Book Three, the third installment of Rep. John Lewis’ acclaimed graphic novel trilogy recounting the mid-60s civil rights movement, hit the shelves last Tuesday. March: Book Two, released in January 2015, won a 2016 Eisner Award, and the series will be used in New York City Public Schools to teach eighth-grade students about the civil rights movement.

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An Evening of Dreaming with Reyna Grande on July 12

Madison, Wisconsin’s organization Centro Hispano of Dane County will be hosting Reyna Grande on July 12th starting at 5:30pm. She will be sharing about her memoir THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US. The relevant topic of immigration will be the center of the conversation for the evening. This is our first time working with Centro Hispano and […]

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A Look At: Point Loma Nazarene, Writer’s Symposium by the Sea

Would you tell us a bit about your program?  For instance how long has Point Loma Nazarene been hosting the Symposium by the Sea, how did it get started, and how has it changed over the years? The Writer’s Symposium By The Sea is in its 21st year (next one is Feb. 16-19, 2016), and […]

Posted in All Campus Reads Programs, all-campus reads, author events, author interview, author speaker, Books In Common, Common Reads Programs, Community Reads Programs, Issue #14, Newsletters, Point Loma Nazarene, Writer's Symposium by the Sea | Also tagged | Comments closed
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