Gail Robinson Butler, the coordinator for the One Book, One Campus, One Community program at West Kentucky Community and Technical College was gracious enough to offer these thoughts on her experience as an All Campus Reads organizer. Thanks Gail!
BIC: Any idea about how many campus literary events you’ve done over the years?
GRB: Over the years, WKCTC has conducted many campus literary events spanning various departments and divisions, including the library and the English Department. Those events are numerous and exciting. Many Kentucky and regional authors, such as Silas House and Bobbie Ann Mason, were brought to campus. Seven years ago, we decided to add to our literary offerings and produce a One Book, One Campus, One Community Read every other year. WKCTC has involved numerous community partners in both the planning and production of the event, including the Paducah-McCracken County Library, Paducah Public Schools, McCracken County Public Schools, McNet Library Network and more. On alternate years we produce a Campus Read, targeting English 101 students. New York Times best-selling authors David Baldacci, Jeannette Walls, Homer Hickam and Garth Stein have visited Paducah as a result of the reads.
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Author Jamie Ford has become well-known in literary circles for his New York Times bestselling novel Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, which is a popular choice with many book clubs, common reads, and all campus reads programs around the country. This September, you’ll have another reason to pay attention to him. His second novel, Songs of Willow Frost, will be published on September 10, 2013.
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