Author Profile

Deborah Harkness

Deborah Harkness

Life imitates art in Deborah Harkness’s New York Times bestselling novel A Discovery of Witches. While researching history at Oxford’s Bodleian Library, she discovered a rare Elizabethan volume, a book of spells that belonged to court astrologer John Dee, that had gone missing in the library’s archives for many years. Before she turned to fiction, she published two nonfiction books: John Dee’s Conversations with Angels and The Jewel House: Elizabethan London and the Scientific Revolution. Currently, Harkness lives and teaches in Los Angeles.

For more about Deborah and her works, go to

Reviews of The Book of Life

History, science, and the unpredictable actions of paranormal characters with hidden agendas all swirl together to create a not-to-be-missed finale to a stellar paranormal series... Harkness delves more deeply into the political machinations of her world in this outing, weaving in a meaningful message about how ignorance, fear, and misinformation can drive a culture, with ramifications for generations to come.
-- Library Journal

A bewitching end to the All Souls Trilogy . . . Harkness' ambitious melding of scientific and historical detail is inventive and brings surprising depth to . . . real-life societal scourges.
-- Los Angeles Times

Harkness herself proves to be quite the alchemist as she combines elements of magic, history, romance, and science, transforming them into a compelling journey through time, space, and geography. By bridging the gaps between Harry PotterTwilight, and Outlander fans, Harkness artfully appeals to a broad range of fantasy lovers.
-- Booklist

Videos featuring Deborah Harkness

Shadow of Night - Deborah Harkness' walking tour of the city of London

Deborah Harkness on THE BOOK OF LIFE